2019 NEA-SN ELECTION RESULTS! Here are the final results from the elections held 2/1-2/8:   President: Vicki “Vix” Kreidel Vice President: Carmen Andrews Secretary: Karlana Kulseth BOD (HS): Ian LatasBOD (HS): Maria Perkins BOD (MS): Chris Rinaldi BOD (MS): Janine Cutnose BOD (OLP): Dolores Nichols NEA-SN Delegate to NSEA DA: […]


Below you will find downloadable forms and resources. Please contact us and let us know if you have issues downloading a form or if you have questions of any kind. NEA-SN Membership Form NEA-SN 2023 Nomination Form


What worksite representation will NEA-SN offer? Members will be represented by site-based leaders or attorneys depending on the severity of the case. Formal grievances, via board policy, will be filed by NEA-SN staff who will assist members throughout the process. Will I have professional legal liability coverage if I join […]